

Location: Brno, Czech Republic
Cycle: Reframed
Technique: acrylic, wood, canvas
Year: 2012
Realization: Petr Dub
Photo documentation: Zdeněk Porcal
Space: chemical laboratory

The physical movement around the industrial space of historically one of the most important Czech companies makes an intense impression on its own. The premises of 22.5 ha is currently in the ownership of a strong multinational development group and despite partial lease arrangements, it more or less waits to be used in the future. The abandoned architecture invokes a feeling of dangerous nostalgia for the forgotten period of golden era of the economy of the First Republic, yet with a substantial layer of communist marasmus. Nevertheless, employees did not abandon the factory operation immediately after 1989, but later at the turn of the new millennium and practically over night. This has resulted in an environment in which it is possible to find mental attributes of former production, systems of work organisation, specific work environment, as well as traces of particular employees.