
Zelný trh

Location: Brno, Czech Republic
Cyklus: Reframed/Transformers
Technique: acrylic, wood, canvas, steel
Year: 2012
Realization: Petr Dub
Photo documentation: Zdeněk Porcal
Space: family apartment
Architect: most likely Giovanni Giacomo Tencalla (1614-1618)
Special thanks to: Eva Pánková

Where does the viewer’s attention end and start? The couple of African lions in the foyer of Moravian Land Museum in Brno draw attention to the zoological collection in Budišov. The Moravian Land Museum is the second, and at the same time, the second oldest museum institution in the Czech Republic, having been established in July 1817 by the Emperor’s Decree of Francis I. Among other things, its history demonstrates the social interest in stopping the time by means of museum exhibitions. Naturally, the gap between creating and exhibiting a museum artefact versus a gallery work of art provides a number of parallels including the elementary question: What is presented as a consequence of the exhibition panel?